All staff should be familiar with the “Student Policies and
Procedures: Student Code of Conduct” published annually in the
Student Handbook.
Disruptive behavior interferes with the instructional,
administrative, and/or service of functions of the college.
- Verbally threatening or abusing any person or persons.
- Physically threatening or assaulting others.
- Theft or damage to College property.
Use, possession, and/or distribution of illegal or
controlled substances on College grounds.
- Interfering with the learning environments by disruptive
behavior or incident expressions or conduct as defined by
- Making inappropriate demands for time and attention from
faculty and/or staff.
Removal of a disruptive student
from College facilities:
An instructor may remove a disruptive student from the classroom
by informing the student that a specific behavior is
inappropriate and then requesting the student leave. If help is
needed, the instructor should call Student Services. The
instructor should then contact the Dean of Student Services to
begin a formal discipline process by submitting a written
summary of the infraction. The Dean of Student Services will
determine if the student is allowed to return to class.
If the safety of the student or others is jeopardized, the
Dean of Student Services may summarily suspend the student until
the situation is fully investigated. After the investigation,
the Dean of Student Services may recommend extending the
suspension or expulsion to the President.
Recommended Procedure:
- Take the student aside and describe the inappropriate
behavior. Be specific, and tell him/her the behavior must
stop. If the behavior does not stop, the student should be
asked to leave (by the instructor of the classroom; by an
administrator if elsewhere on campus).
- Immediately write an anecdotal description including
date, time, specific description of the behavior, and your
conversation with the student. This documentation is
necessary should the behavior continue and disciplinary
action be needed.
If at any time you fear for your
personal safety or that a situation may become unsafe, remove
yourself and any others who may be in danger and contact 9+911.