| Coleman, deAmbra, Adjunct Instructor (2017) ColemanD@milescc.edu |
| Eggum, Marlys, Adjunct Instructor (2001) B.S.N. & M.S.N., University of Mary (406) 874-6198 EggumM@milescc.edu |
| Forman, Belinda, CRRN (2023) A.S.N, Miles Community College FormanB@milescc.edu |
| Holmen, Shannon, CRRN (2019) A.A.N., Miles Community College HolmenS@milescc.edu |
| Hudson, Dani, Nursing Instructor (2020) A.S.N., Williston State College B.S.N., Minot State University M.S.N., Western Governors University HudsonD@milescc.edu |
| Janssen, Mary, Adjunct Instructor B.S.N., Montana State University M.B.A., Bellevue City University JanssenM@milescc.edu |
| Jerke, Kim, Clinical Sim Coordinator and CRRN (2020) A.S.N., Miles Community College B.S.N., Montana State University Nothern-Havre Jerkek@milescc.edu |
| Losing-Miller, Janell, CRRN (2024) A.A.S. and B.S.N., University of Alaska Losing-MillerJ@milescc.edu |
| Luhr, Mary, Adjunct Instructor (2020) B.S., Wayne State College LuhrM@milescc.edu |
| Luther, Katrina, Nursing Instructor (2007) A.S.N., Miles Community College B.S.N. and M.S.N., University of Mary (406) 874-6190 LutherK@milescc.edu |
| McDonald, Joy-Lyn, Adjunct Instructor (2021) B.S. and M.S., Montana State University McdonaldJ@milescc.edu |
| Olson, Jill, Nursing & Allied Health Programs Advisor (2020) B.A., University of Minnesota - Morris (406) 874-6178 OlsonJL@milescc.edu |
| Ries, Linda, CRRN (2019) B.S.N., Montana State University RiesL@milescc.edu |
| Smesrud, Cathleen, adjunct instructor (2023) B.S., University of North Dakota SmesrudC@milescc.edu |
| Svingen, Lynette, Director of Nursing (2024) A.S.N. and B.S.N., MSU-Northern M.H.A. / M.B.A., Pfeiffer University D.N.P and F.N.P., Western University of Health Sciences (406) 874-6188 SvingenL@milescc.edu |
| Weber, Michael, CRRN (2020) B.S.N., Montana State University WeberMJ@milescc.edu |