| Forman, Belinda, CRRN (2023) A.S.N, Miles Community College FormanB@milescc.edu |
| Freese, Shelley, Learning Center Instructor (1992) B.A., University of Montana (406) 874-6152 FreeseS@milescc.edu |
| Ingraham, Marc, Adjunct Instrucutor (2023) IngrahamM@milescc.edu |
| Jacobson, Edris (Michela), Adjunct Instructor (2021) B.A. and M.Ed., University of Montana JacobsonE@milescc.edu |
| Kimball, Carolyn, Academic Affairs Technician (2014) (406) 874-6164 KimballC@milescc.edu |
| Kratky, Rita, Vice President of Academic Affairs (2015) B.S. and M.A., Colorado State University Ph.D., Community College Leadership, Colorado State University (406) 874-6199 KratkyR@milescc.edu |
| Niedge, Erin, Vice President of Enrollment Management and Educational Support Services (2007) B.A. and M.P.A., University of Montana (406) 874-6211 NiedgeE@milescc.edu |
| Pawlak, John, CDL Instructor (2023) (406) 874-6237 PawlakJ@milescc.edu |
| Rost, Linda, Adjunct Instructor (2021) B.S., New Mexico State University M.S. and M.Ed., Montana State University Ph.D., Texas Tech University RostL@milescc.edu |
| Shell, Michael, Adjunct Instructor (2023) B.S., University of Great Falls M.S., Montana State University Ph.D., Northwestern Theological Seminary ShellM@milescc.edu |